February 14, 2025


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CAISO Stakeholders Weigh EDAM Proposal
CAISO stakeholders commented on elements of the revised straw proposal to add an extended day-ahead market to the Western Energy Imbalance Market.
FERC Proposes Adopting NAESB Standards
FERC proposes to adopt the new NAESB standards, adopted by its Wholesale Electric Quadrant and filed with FERC last October.
FERC Briefs
A collection of news from FERC's open meeting, including this year's annual report and new NERC reliability rules.
Are You Two Related? FERC Wants to Know
Seeking to improve its ability to unravel complicated market manipulation schemes, FERC proposed a new way for identifying connections between companies and individuals.
FERC Backs NERC, NAESB Standards
FERC approved actions on four standards and policies proposed by NERC and NAESB.
Members Committee Approvals
The PJM Members Committee approved the following changes by acclimation at its annual meeting on May 16, 2013.
E-Tag Privacy Rules OK’d
MRC approved revisions to the con­fidentiality provisions of its tariff to comply with FERC Order 771, requiring provision of e-Tag data to Independent Syste...
MIC to Probe ‘Sham Scheduling’
The Market Implementation Committee approved a request by Market Monitor Joseph Bowring to investigate whether traders could be manipulating PJM’s interface ...
MRC First Readings
The Markets and Reliability Committee heard first readings of the issues listed below. The committee will be asked for its endorsement at its next meeting. C...

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