October 25, 2024

Energy Information Administration (EIA)

EIA: Dispatch of Coal Generation Falls in PJM
Analysis from EIA finds the average runtime for PJM coal-fired generators has declined sharply over the past decade because of increasing fuel and start-up costs.
Resources for the Future
RFF Analysis of Net-zero Projections Finds Continued Fossil Fuel Use
Many recent projections for energy use have fossil fuel use plateauing after 2030, when it needs to rapidly decline to meet midcentury carbon targets, Resources for the Future said.
EIA: Western Hydro Output Hit 22-year Low Last Year
Despite record winter precipitation in California, hydroelectric generation in the Western U.S. fell to a 22-year low in the 2022/23 water year, largely due to drought conditions in Washington and Oregon.
Fossil Retirements to Slow Briefly as Solar and Storage Proliferate
The U.S. Energy Information Administration reports that fossil fuel generation retirements will slow in 2024 and that solar and storage will dominate capacity additions. 
EIA: Renewable Curtailments Rising Steadily in CAISO

CAISO’s curtailment of solar and wind power is on the rise, and about three-quarters of curtailments so far this year have been from transmission congestion.

EIA, DNV Lay out Progress, Headwinds in Energy Transition
New reports by DNV and the EIA document the progress and challenges in the global effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Lim, Aklin and Frank in Nature Communications
Green Jobs are Growing Far from Fossil Fuel Workers
Green jobs may be growing, but the vast majority of fossil fuel extraction workers whose jobs are threatened by the energy transition will not fill them, according to a new paper.
US Small-scale Solar Grew by a Record 6.4 GW in 2022
Installed small-scale solar capacity increased by an estimated 6.4 GW in 2022 — a record amount, even amid supply chain constraints and rising costs. 
U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
EIA Reports Rising Solar Installation, Oil Production
The Energy Information Administration gave contrasting snapshots of the U.S. energy sector Tuesday: oil production approaching a new high and solar power installation soaring as well.
Natural Gas Power Generation Expected to Set Record
With fuel prices much lower than in 2022, record amounts of electricity are expected to be generated by burning natural gas in July and August 2023.

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