February 9, 2025

energy security improvements (ESI)

Fletcher, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
ISO-NE Plans 2025 Launch for Day-Ahead Ancillary Services Initiative
ISO-NE is targeting 2025 for the launch of its Day-Ahead Ancillary Services Initiative, to ensure reliable next‐day operating plans with increasing renewables.
Fletcher, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
ISO-NE Outlines More of Plans for Capacity Accreditation, DA Ancillary Services
ISO-NE continued to elaborate its proposed methods for de-rating gas resources in the winter, when there may be challenges getting fuel.
States Ring in New Year with ISO-NE Reform Wish List
Tensions between New England states and ISO-NE came to a head last year when five governors issued a joint statement calling for reforms to the RTO.
ISO-NE to FERC on Fuel Security: What Now?
ISO-NE asked FERC if it could seek its direction to improve its fuel security after the commission rejected the RTO’s ESI market design.
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NEPOOL Participants Committee Briefs: Nov. 5, 2020
The NEPOOL Participants Committee acted on consent agenda items and discussed ISO-NE's "vision for the future" and winter readiness.
FERC Rejects ESI Proposal from ISO-NE
FERC rejected ISO-NE’s proposed Energy Security Improvements, saying it would add substantial costs “without meaningfully improving fuel security.”
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: Sept. 8, 2020
The Markets Committee heard an update on ISO-NE’s next Order 841 compliance filing and its proposal to sunset the Forward Reserve Market.
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: Aug. 11-13, 2020
The NEPOOL Markets Committee held a three-day meeting, with much of the time devoted to revising parameters for Forward Capacity Auction 16.
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: July 14-15, 2020
The NEPOOL Markets Committee devoted the bulk of its meeting to debating changes to inputs and assumptions that will govern FCA 16 in February 2022.
Debate Continues as New England Awaits ESI Ruling
Generation and load interests are no closer to agreement over ISO-NE's Energy Security Improvements proposal, a NECA webcast discussion showed.

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