The West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative applied for the money in January in response to a DOE Funding Opportunity Announcement, seeking two tranches of $400,000 each to be disbursed over two years to help support the effort build an independent Western RTO.
Stakeholders are still seeking clarity on details in CAISO’s plan to streamline its interconnection process after the ISO released its final proposal to address the issue after 10 intensive months.
ERCOT said it will pay Austin Energy a $2.86 million to settle an alternative dispute resolution stemming from the February 2021 winter storm.
The SouthCoast Wind project could have significant impacts on marine mammals, fisheries and navigation, according to a draft environmental impact statement.
A group of New England suppliers is raising worries about the costs of the cost-of-service agreement between ISO-NE and the Mystic Generating Station.
FERC accepted ISO-NE’s proposed changes to its process for interconnecting distributed energy resources, finding them just and reasonable with some revisions.
The heat is back on in Texas after a brief respite, with ERCOT again setting records as peak demand reaches the extreme levels of ISO's predictions.
Massachusetts chose two offshore wind projects totaling 1,600 MW, potentially bringing the state's offshore wind total to 3,200 MW.
The United Nations convened a “high-level dialogue on energy,” the first gathering of leaders at the U.N. in more than 40 years devoted solely to energy issues.
Mayflower Wind has submitted a 1.2-GW bid in Massachusetts' latest offshore wind RFP, pledging to spend up to $81 million for economic development.
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