October 25, 2024

EPA power plant rule

RTOs Seek More Flexible Compliance in Appeal of EPA Power Plant Rule
ERCOT, MISO, PJM and SPP filed a joint brief in the appeal of EPA’s power plant rule seeking more flexibility on compliance, arguing it is needed to ensure reliability.
Tikilucas, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Fate of Appalachian Power’s Coal Plants Debated in RPS Proceeding
The fate of two coal plants owned by AEP’s Appalachian Power is generating debate in a proceeding to approve the utility’s renewable portfolio standard plan at the Virginia State Corporation Commission.
EEI Sues EPA over Power Plant Rules’ Carbon-capture Requirement
The Edison Electric Institute has joined the litigation against EPA’s power plant rules under Clean Air Act Section 111, filing its own petition to review the rules and intervening in existing suits. 
Senate ENR Committee
Manchin not Ready to Give up on Bipartisan Permitting Bill
Sen. Joe Manchin rebuffed Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's assertion that permitting reform was dead in the current Congress during an Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing on load growth from data centers.
Republican-led States Sue EPA over Power Plant Emissions Rule
Republican state attorneys general sued EPA seeking to stop implementation of the agency’s final rule aimed at slashing greenhouse gas emissions from existing coal plants and new natural gas plants. 
EPA Power Plant Rules Squeeze Coal Plants; Existing Gas Plants Exempt
Coal-fired power plants nationwide will either have to close by 2039 or use carbon capture and storage or other technologies to capture 90% of their emissions by 2032 under EPA’s long-awaited final rule.
The Future of Natural Gas with Growing Demand and Climate Targets
A DOE report on resource adequacy says firms investing in natural gas capacity could be retrofitted with carbon capture and storage, or the ability to burn clean hydrogen.
EEI Briefs Wall Street on Business and Policy Goals for 2024 and Beyond
The Edison Electric Institute’s senior executives briefed Wall Street on the state of the utility industry and some of the policies it supports. 
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PJM OC Briefs: Jan. 11, 2024
PJM reviewed comments it is jointly submitting with other RTOs on several proposed changes to EPA regulations during the Operating Committee meeting.
DTE Energy
EPA, FERC Hear from Stakeholders on Reliability
Both EPA and FERC received comments on how reliability can be maintained under the former’s power plant rule that requires fossil fuel-fired units to curtail their emissions.

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