February 12, 2025


FERC Order Briefs: Sept. 19, 2019
A roundup of FERC's orders issued at the commission's open meeting Sept. 19, 2019.
FERC Denies Rehearing on SPP Tx Cost Shifts
FERC denied a rehearing request by SPP transmission owners of its earlier decision on the allocation of transmission costs.
FERC Rejects NPPD Objection to Tri-State Zonal Placement
FERC approved SPP’s proposed Tariff revisions to incorporate Tri-State Generation as a new transmission owner in an existing pricing zone.
SPP Tx Owners Take Zonal Placement Concerns to FERC
KCP&L is fulfilling its promise to take legal action against SPP for how the RTO allocates costs to customers after a new transmission owner joins a zone.
SPP Board Rejects Changes to Tx Zonal-Placement Rules
SPP made another effort to revise its transmission-zonal placement process, but once again came up short when the board sustained its earlier rejection.

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