February 7, 2025


© RTO Insider
MISO Granted Longer Deadline for Offer Caps
FERC granted MISO a two-year lead time to implement a new offer cap, while also directing the RTO to submit another compliance filing to meet Order 831.
FERC OKs MISO’s Doubled Offer Cap, Orders Alterations
FERC approved MISO’s plan to permanently double its hard offer cap but told the RTO to clarify some details about the proposal in a compliance filing.
Entergy Louisiana
FERC Grants MISO 4th Winter Offer Cap Waiver
FERC has allowed MISO to waive its $1,000/MWh offer cap for the fourth straight winter in response to the extremely cold weather.
MISO’s Plans for Wintertime Offer Caps Stalled by FERC
FERC found that MISO did not adequately comply with its directives in Order 831, which stipulated changes to the RTO's hard and soft offer cap processes.

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