Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
FERC was not persuaded by environmental nonprofits, utilities nor Mississippi regulators to order MISO to rework the sloped demand curve it’s been cleared to use in the spring capacity auction.
Industry groups sought flexibility from FERC in implementing new supply chain risk management rules, while one conservative group argued the commission should use its power to push the sector to use domestic supply chains.
Four environmental nonprofits insist MISO’s recently approved capacity accreditation is incomplete unless the RTO details how it will conduct its loss of load modeling the new approach relies upon.
NERC and the regional entities expressed support for FERC's cybersecurity proposals but reminded the commission of their already busy development cycle.
Webinar participants said NERC's study on interregional transfer capability is a solid foundation for future planning but leaves much work still to be done.
Stakeholder opinions were sharply divided at the PJM Members Committee’s meeting regarding RTO proposals to allow high capacity factor resources to be sped through the interconnection queue and revise aspects of the capacity market.
Constellation filed a complaint at FERC seeking to formalize the guidance PJM has on co-located demand, saying it should be included in the tariff.
FERC rejected SPP’s proposed tariff revisions to implement a multiday economic commitment process, agreeing with the MMU that it introduces a potential gaming opportunity.
FERC said the North American Energy Standards Board's new standards will improve security and efficiency of public utilities.
FERC approved Order 1920-A, addressing rehearing arguments from the previous order by granting states more guarantees that their views on cost allocation would be considered, among other changes.
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