FERC Order 831
FERC accepted CAISO’s proposal to allow for storage resources to bid above the ISO’s $1,000/MWh soft offer cap in the real-time market to account for their intraday opportunity costs.
Batteries may be receiving excessive or inefficient bid cost recovery payments in CAISO, an issue that could be exacerbated by the ISO’s recent move to increase its soft offer cap to allow for higher bids by storage resources.
CAISO’s Board of Governors and WEIM Governing Body unanimously voted to approve an expedited proposal to increase the ISO’s soft offer cap from $1,000/MWh to $2,000.
CAISO is proposing to raise the soft offer cap in its market from $1,000/MWh to $2,000 to accommodate the bidding needs of battery storage and hydro resources in time for operations this summer.
PJM's upcoming 2023/24 BRA is set to be delayed again after FERC partially reversed its 2020 decision on the RTO’s energy price formation revisions.
FERC provided guidance to Western electricity sellers on how and when to seek exceptions for transactions that exceed the region’s $1,000/MWh soft cap.
CAISO’s Market Surveillance Committee has endorsed a set of rule changes designed to avoid shortfalls this summer.
SPP is reviewing its response to the recent winter storm that swept through its footprint, leading to the RTO's first rolling blackouts.
FERC ordered PJM to make an additional compliance filing on its rules for fast-start resources, saying the RTO’s proposal gave itself too much discretion.
The CAISO Board of Governors bid farewell to its retired CEO, greeted a new leader and approved a plan to implement FERC Order 831.
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