February 9, 2025

geomagnetic disturbances (GMD)

ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee Briefs: April 28, 2022
The 2050 transmission study, Cape Cod curtailments and planning for geomagnetic disturbances were all on the agenda at the ISO-NE PAC meeting.
Cold, Security Lead MRO Risk Assessment
Increasing incidents of extreme weather, along with threats to cybersecurity, are pressing items identified in MRO’s draft Regional Risk Assessment.
EMP Task Force Calls for Federal Funding
The grid cannot be protected against EMPs without guaranteed cost recovery and more access to classified information, NERC’s EMP Task Force concluded.
ISO-NE on Track with GMD Standard
ISO-NE is on its way to complying with NERC’s revised geomagnetic disturbance standard, the RTO told the NEPOOL Reliability Committee.
PJM PC/TEAC Briefs: May 16, 2019
PJM’s Market Efficiency Process Enhancement Task Force will tackle concerns raised by the monitor over its benefit-cost analyses for transmission projects.
NEPOOL Participants Committee Briefs: May 3, 2019
The NEPOOL Participants Committee retroactively approved ISO-NE Tariff revisions to address concerns with FERC's Order 841 on energy storage.
NPCC Sees Lower Summer Peak for 2019
The Northeast Power Coordinating Council is projecting a summer peak demand of 103,548 MW in the week of July 28, 2019 a 0.6% reduction from last year.
NPCC Sees Lower Summer Peak for 2019
The Northeast Power Coordinating Council is projecting a summer peak demand of 103,548 MW in the week of July 28, a 0.6% reduction from last year.
GAO: No Consensus on GMD Risk to Grid
A GAO report on geomagnetic disturbances found a lack of consensus on how much of a risk they pose to the U.S. electric grid.
GAO: No Consensus on GMD Risk to Grid
A GAO report on geomagnetic disturbances (GMDs) found a lack of consensus on how much of a risk they pose to U.S. electric grid reliability.

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