February 12, 2025


NERC Flags Communication, Coordination in GridEx VII Report
The number of participating organizations fell again in GridEx VII, the second decline in a row for the biennial security exercise.
GridSecCon Panelists Tout GridEx Training Opportunities
Speakers at NERC’s annual GridSecCon security conference on urged their colleagues to get involved in the E-ISAC biennial GridEx security exercise.
Planning Underway for GridEx VII
NERC has begun planning for next year’s GridEx VII security exercise and is expecting a boost in attendance after participation dropped off last year.
ISO-NE Shares Lessons Learned from GridEx
ISO-NE will be looking to find ways to improve its 21-day forecast of expected energy deficiencies.
NERC Plans Big Budget Hike for 2023
NERC’s draft 2023 budget shows expenses are set to rise by more than 13%, fueled by increasing headcount, a return to in-person and rising operating expenses.
GridEx VI Incorporates Recent Cyber Lessons
NERC's GridEx VI security exercise tested utilities with an array of cybersecurity threats drawn from recent experiences.
Overheard at ReliabilityFirst’s Annual Meeting 2019
ReliabilityFirst’s annual meeting featured discussions on cybersecurity, GridEx V, electromagnetic pulses and the health of the ERO.
GridEx V Throws New Tech Curveball
A simulated social media hack was among the surprises at GridEx V, the latest NERC exercise testing industry preparedness for cyber and physical attacks.
NERC Technology Security Committee Briefs: May 8, 2019
GridEx V will see more international participation, including possibly “active injects” to simulate a “worldwide assault … on Western civilization.”
Ukraine Attacks, ‘Fake News’ Color NERC GridEx IV Drill
About 6,500 participants from 450 organizations took part in GridEx IV, the NERC two-day simulated cyber and physical attack.

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