February 8, 2025

Guzman Energy

© RTO Insider LLC
FERC Picks ‘Balance Sheet Approach’ Exit Fee for Tri-State Members
FERC issued an order ending a couple years of litigation over what Tri-State can charge its exiting members, picking a "Balance Sheet Approach" initially proposed by departing member United Power and then modified by commission staff.
SPP to Phase Out WEIS as New Market Offerings Expand
SPP said it plans to close its Western Energy Imbalance Service, with members joining either its proposed Markets+ program or its Western RTO.
Tri-State, Delta Officially Part Ways
Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association and Delta-Montrose Electric Association officially parted ways, wishing each other well after 28 years.
State Briefs
This week's state briefs include news on Arkansas, Connecticut, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire and New York.
State Briefs
This week's state briefs include news on Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Texas, Virginia and West Virginia.

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