September 20, 2024


National Grid Backs out of Twin States Clean Energy Link Project

Despite support from the Department of Energy, National Grid has backed out of a major project to significantly increase the two-way transmission capacity between New England and Quebec.

Québec, New England See Shifting Role for Canadian Hydropower
With the days of endless cheap hydropower in Québec coming to an end, and the Northeastern U.S. hoping to rapidly scale up intermittent renewables, the two regions may be forced to fundamentally reconsider the role of hydropower on the grid. 
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Infrastructure and Coordination Hot Topics at NECBC Conference

Serge Abergel of Hydro-Québec touted the potential benefits of using hydropower to balance out wind power and reduce curtailment instead of simply using hydropower as base load.

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Canadian Wildfires Trigger ISO-NE Capacity Deficiency
Canadian wildfires caused just the third ISO-NE capacity deficiency since 2016, demonstrating the increasing reliability threat of climate change.
National Grid
National Grid Proposes Quebec-New England Transmission
National Grid proposed a 1.2-GW transmission project to carry power from Quebec hydroelectric plants to southern New England through Vermont and New Hampshire.
New England Clean Energy Connect Wins Court Battle
A jury ruled Avangrid can resume construction of the New England Clean Energy Connect, potentially voiding a voter referendum to block the $1 billion line.
Champlain Hudson Power Express
Champlain Hudson Power Project Receives Landmark Delivery
Thirteen years after the Champlain Hudson Power Express was proposed, the first shipment of HVDC cable needed to build it arrived in New York on Thursday.
Hydro-Quebec’s Leadership Shakeup Could Impact New England
The resignation of CEO Sophie Brochu sent a shockwave through the Canadian energy sector that could reverberate into New England.
Roger Merchant
NECEC Scores Another Victory in Maine’s Highest Court
Maine’s high court issued another favorable ruling for the New England Clean Energy Connect project, which analysts say has "resuscitated [its] viability."
NYISO Stakeholders Propose Three Areas for Public Policy Transmission
NYISO stakeholders urged "public policy" transmission upgrades upstate, downstate and along the Pennsylvania border during the ISO’s 60-day comment period.

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