October 27, 2024

Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA)

Gas, Electric Trade Associations Call for More Gas Infrastructure
ISOs and RTOs should take a more prominent role in expanding gas networks, gas and electricity industry representatives emphasized at a webinar.
RTOs Jointly Call for Improved Gas-electric Coordination
ISO-NE, MISO, PJM and SPP released a report calling for improvements to the coordination of the electric and natural gas systems.
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Gas, Electric Leaders See ‘No Silver Bullet’ for Interdependence Issues
Attendees at a NERC forum said they are skeptical a gas reliability organization will resolve the challenges exposed by recent winter storms.
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Energy Bar Association Meeting Focuses on Financing Clean Power Transition
Financing the billion-dollar components of the clean-energy transition was the leadoff topic at the annual meeting of the Energy Bar Association's Northeast Chapter.
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Top Energy Trade Groups Highlight 2023 Goals at USEA
Top leaders from Washington, D.C. and energy trade groups gathered in person for the U.S. Energy Association's Annual State of the Energy Industry Forum.
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EBA Panel Hits FERC Pipeline Permitting
The gas industry said FERC's permitting policies could chill development while an environmentalist called the agency's decisions “lazy” during an EBA panel.
Overheard at USEA State of the Energy Industry Forum
The U.S. has a diverse range of energy resources, and all are critical to the nation’s clean energy future, said industry reps speaking at a USEA conference.
TSA Defends Pipeline Security Practices Before FERC
Transportation Security Administration officials defended efforts to protect the country’s natural gas pipelines, telling FERC they are adding more staff.
GAO Analysis of Transportation Security Administration
GAO Critical of TSA Pipeline Security Efforts
TSA oversight of natural gas pipeline security is hampered by staffing constraints and vague criteria for identifying critical facilities, GAO reported.
National Fuel Gas
FERC Flooded with Comments on Pipeline Permitting
FERC received about 2,000 comments on its Notice of Inquiry about how it balances natural gas pipeline project benefits against adverse consequences.

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