February 14, 2025

ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee

ISO-NE Details Evaluation Models for Transmission Solicitation
ISO-NE has outlined the transmission and economic models it plans to use to evaluate proposals submitted for the longer-term transmission planning process.
ISO-NE to Work on State-backed RFP for Northern Maine Transmission
Backed by a new process conducted by the New England states, ISO-NE is moving forward with a request for proposals to build new transmission that would bring wind to market from Northern Maine.
ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee Briefs: Oct. 23, 2024
Sheila Keane of the New England States Committee on Electricity discussed the scope of ISO-NE's first longer-term transmission planning solicitation.
ISO-NE: New Mechanisms May be Needed to Ensure Future Grid Reliability
As the variability of generation and demand increases on the grid, market enhancements may be needed to promote dispatchable resources, ISO-NE told the PAC.
New England States Raise Alarm on Eversource Asset Condition Project
NESCOE is raising the alarm on Eversource’s planned rebuild of the X-178 transmission line in New Hampshire, arguing that the company has not adequately justified the need for the $385 million project.
ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee Briefs: July 17, 2024
Following the increase of the transfer limits of three internal interfaces in Maine, ISO-NE increased the capacity import capability of the New Brunswick-New England interface from 700 MW to 980 MW.
ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee Briefs: May 15, 2024

National Grid introduced a pair of asset condition projects estimated to cost about $538 million to the ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee.

ISO-NE Analysis Shows Benefits of Shifting OSW Interconnection Points
Relocating two offshore wind points of interconnection from Maine to Massachusetts could reduce New England’s transmission upgrade cost requirements, ISO-NE said.
ISO-NE to Study Offshore Wind Points of Interconnection
ISO-NE is planning to study the effects of shifting two offshore wind points of interconnection from Maine to Massachusetts and conduct a preliminary analysis of offshore wind interconnection points across the region.
ISO-NE PAC Briefs: Dec. 20, 2023
Increased electrification and reliance on solar and wind will make electricity supply and demand more weather-dependent, resulting in more variable winter peak loads.

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