September 16, 2024

Jersey Central Power & Light (JCP&L)

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NJ Enacts New Construction Electrification Incentives
New Jersey has enacted a package of new construction incentives worth up to $5.25 per square foot for new residential and nonresidential construction.
New Jersey Backs $150 Million Hike for Offshore Wind Transmission
The state's Board of Public Utilities  approved an additional expenses for the state’s $1.07 billion transmission project to connect offshore wind farms to the grid.
NJ BPU OKs $1.07B OSW Transmission Expansion
New Jersey regulators voted to spend $1.07 billion on transmission upgrades to deliver 6,400 MW of offshore wind generation to the PJM grid.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Utilities Oppose NJ BPU Plan Limiting EDC Storage Ownership
PSEG told the NJ BPU that utilities should play a greater role in owning and operating storage facilities than the one allowed under a proposal by the agency.
Fierce Competition in Plans to Upgrade NJ Grid
Eighty transmission proposals to interconnect New Jersey's offshore wind to PJM were submitted by 13 companies to the state's Board of Public Utilities.
NJ Enviros: Heat Pumps Can Cut Building Emissions, Costs
New Jersey could dramatically cut greenhouse gas emissions from buildings – the state’s second largest source of emissions – by replacing fossil-fueled boilers with heat pumps and other electric appliances and beefing up incentives for the equipment, according to a recent report from the New Jersey Conservation Foundation. Heat pumps can replace furnaces or boilers, …
FirstEnergy to Sell Shares of Assets to Boost Equity
FirstEnergy expects to sell interests in its distribution or transmission assets to raise capital following the Ohio House Bill 6 scandal.
FERC Conditionally Accepts JCP&L Rate Request
FERC conditionally accepted Jersey Central Power & Light’s proposed rate request, subject to refund following hearing and settlement judge procedures.
Transmission Developer: PJM TOs Inflating Upgrade Costs for ARRs
A merchant transmission developer accused several PJM transmission owners of inflating the costs of upgrades necessary to approve three auction revenue rights requests.
Company Briefs
News briefs on companies doing business with RTOs. This week we include Duke, Dominion, Ameren and Exelon.

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