February 13, 2025

load reconstitution

NEPOOL Participants Committee Briefs: Sept. 3, 2020
The NEPOOL Committee approved a change to how ISO-NE accounts for energy efficiency in its gross load forecast reconstitution methodology.
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: Aug. 11-13, 2020
The NEPOOL Markets Committee held a three-day meeting, with much of the time devoted to revising parameters for Forward Capacity Auction 16.
NEPOOL Reliability Committee Briefs: July 21, 2020
The New England Power Pool Reliability Committee narrowly approved changes to ISO-NE’s gross load forecast reconstitution methodology.
NEPOOL Reliability Committee Briefs: June 16, 2020
ISO-NE presented the NEPOOL Reliability Committee with a proposal to improve how it measures the impact of passive demand resources participating in its capacity auctions.
NEPOOL Reliability Committee Briefs: May 19, 2020
The NEPOOL Reliability Committee discussed load forecasting method changes, DC-coupled facilities' participation in the markets and transmission upgrades.

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