July 27, 2024

Maine Governor’s Energy Office

Maine Governor’s Energy Office
Maine Could Extend OSW Ban to 75 Nautical Miles off Coast
A working document of the Maine Offshore Wind Roadmap initiative suggests possibly extending the state’s OSW ban to 75 nautical miles off the coast.
Maine Governor’s Energy Office
Stakeholders Debate OSW Ban to 75 Nautical Miles off Maine Coast
A working document of the Maine Offshore Wind Roadmap initiative suggests possibly extending the state’s OSW ban to 75 nautical miles off the coast.
Maine Ag-Solar Group to Recommend Dual-use Pilot Program
Maine Agricultural Solar Stakeholder Group members weighed in on a draft of the report the group plans to send to the legislature in January.
EBC Highlights Trends in Maine, Mass. Solar Markets
The Environmental Business Council of New England gathered industry experts to discuss solar market trends playing out in Maine and Massachusetts.

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