February 9, 2025

merchant transmission

Roda S.p.A.
FERC Again Prohibits MISO TOs from Financing Merchant Upgrades
FERC upheld its prior ruling blocking MISO transmission owners from electing to self-fund network upgrades needed for merchant HVDC lines.
SOO Green
FERC Blocks MISO Self-fund Rule for Merchant HVDC Line Upgrades
FERC rejected a transmission owner self-funding option for HVDC projects in a decision that could save millions for developers like SOO Green.
Stakeholder Soapbox: Is MISO Really an ‘Independent’ System Operator?
Mark Volpe, CEO of the Coalition of Midwest Power Producers, argues MISO's deference to incumbent transmission operators is driving merchant generation out.
Joseph Jingoli & Son
NJ-NYC Merchant Line OK’d for ‘Anchor Customers’
FERC last week granted approval for Linden VFT to contract potentially all of its transmission capacity through long-term "anchor customers."
MISO Plan Provides Tx Treatment for HVDC Lines
MISO and its stakeholders have agreed on a plan to treat merchant HVDC lines as transmission instead of generation.

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