January 24, 2025

MISO Market Roadmap

Committee Considers Ways to Streamline MISO Meetings
MISO is looking for ideas on how leaders of stakeholder groups can best oversee spirited discussions while sticking to schedules listed on meeting agendas.
MISO Quick Capacity Reserves Wait Until 2021
Midcontinent Independent System Operator is working to create market rules for capacity reserves that can be supplied within 30 minutes.
MISO IMM Voices Concerns, Commends Competitive 2017
The MISO market was competitive in 2017, but the RTO should do more to address increasing congestion and low capacity prices, Monitor David Patton said.
MISO Platform Replacement Risks Delay, Budget Overrun
MISO’s effort to replace its market platform will likely come in slightly over budget and is at risk of delay because of project snags with vendor GE.
MISO Stakeholders to Rank Market Improvement Ideas
Over the next month, MISO stakeholders will rank 14 market improvements the RTO might undertake in 2019. Six of the issues (such as energy storage) are already under discussion.
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Steering Committee Advances MISO Market Improvement Ideas
MISO’s Steering Committee submitted eight new possible market improvement ideas to the Market Subcommittee for stakeholder discussion.
MISO Accepting Market Roadmap Ideas
MISO is seeking stakeholder suggestions on how it can improve its market design under its Market Roadmap process.
8 Projects Set for 2018 MISO Market Roadmap
MISO and its members have selected eight market-improvement projects from its annual Market Roadmap to focus on in 2018.
MISO in Harmony with IMM State of the Market Report
MISO “generally” agrees with all nine market improvement recommendations raised by its Independent Market Monitor in its 2016 State of the Market report.
MISO Sets Target for Market Platform Upgrade Decision
MISO says it will provide a detailed decision on how it would rebuild its computer-based market platform in 2019.

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