NEPOOL Participants Committee
The NEPOOL Participants Committee voted to update the Generation Information System to enable the transfer of hourly certificates, opening the door for the sale of hourly renewable energy credits.
Despite above-average temperatures, the ISO-NE energy market value was down slightly in July 2024 relative to July 2023, ISO-NE COO Vamsi Chadalavada said at the NEPOOL Participants Committee meeting.
NEPOOL held its annual summer Participants Committee meeting in New Hampshire during a multiday stretch of extreme heat and high demand on the New England grid.
ISO-NE’s proposed resource capacity accreditation updates would result in an estimated 11% increase in capacity market revenues, the RTO told the NEPOOL Markets Committee.
The NEPOOL Participants Committee voted to support an additional two-year delay of FCA 19 to buy time for the RTO to develop and implement resource capacity accreditation changes and shift the overall timeline of capacity auctions.
The NEPOOL Participants Committee unanimously approved ISO-NE’s package of tariff revisions to comply with FERC Order 2023.
New England power system emissions decreased by about 3.6% in 2023 compared to 2022, according to the underlying data from ISO-NE COO Vamsi Chadalavada’s monthly report.
Hoping for a mild winter is not a sustainable plan for reliability, FERC Chairman Willie Phillips said at a NEPOOL Participants Committee meeting.
NEPOOL members voted to delay FCA 19 by one year, seeking time to revise its capacity accreditation rules and consider a prompt or seasonal market.
ISO-NE detailed its 2024 annual work plan, while NEPOOL approved ISO-NE's 2024 budget.
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