New England Power Pool (NEPOOL)
ISO-NE submitted its compliance to the commission in May, but FERC has yet to rule on the proposal, throwing a wrench in the RTO's implementation timeline.
ISO-NE’s Capacity Auction Reforms project will include an evaluation of additional resource accreditation modeling enhancements, the RTO told the NEPOOL Markets Committee.
The NEPOOL Participants Committee voted to update the Generation Information System to enable the transfer of hourly certificates, opening the door for the sale of hourly renewable energy credits.
New England transmission owners have presented a $185 per kW-year regional network service rate for 2025, an increase over the $154 per kW-year rate in 2024.
The NEPOOL Reliability Committee voted to support new data collection standards for distributed energy resources, and ISO-NE outlined potential changes to planning procedures and the affected system operator process.
NEPOOL held its annual summer Participants Committee meeting in New Hampshire during a multiday stretch of extreme heat and high demand on the New England grid.
NEPGA and CPV offered amendments to ISO-NE’s proposed changes to the financial assurance provisions for the Forward Capacity Market.
ISO-NE’s Order 2023 compliance filing received mixed responses in comments from a range of clean energy stakeholders, drawing support from several large trade associations along with protests from multiple companies.
Governance structures and market rules at ISO-NE that favor incumbent interests have contributed to pushing the region into costly and carbon-intensive reliability solutions, law professor Joshua Macey told the Consumer Liaison Group.
ISO-NE has re-elected current Directors Caren Anders, Steve Corneli and Michael Curran, the RTO announced.
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