New York Department of Public Service (NY DPS)
The New York Power Authority updated its petition to the Department of Public Service to get priority status for the transmission portion of the Clean Path project.
The latest update on New York’s Clean Energy Standard shows a work in progress, with only 23.2% of customer electric load met by renewables statewide in 2023.
NYISO presented stakeholders with its preliminary proposal for complying with FERC Order 1920, giving a first glimpse into how the ISO may conduct a long-term transmission planning process.
CPNY was envisioned as a solution to the heavy reliance on aging fossil fuel power generation in the densely populated New York City region.
NYSEIA is looking to continue the momentum for distributed solar after a key milestone was achieved, but plenty of challenges remain.
The New York Department of Public Service presented a proposal for updating the method by which NYISO determines peak load hours to the ISO’s Installed Capacity Working Group.
An offshore wind proposal that was placed on hiatus amid the industry’s recent financial turmoil is taking a further detour, halting its attempt to bring an export cable onshore in New York.
The report faults New York’s slow progress toward its climate protection goals and warns that the full cost of the effort still has not been quantified, five years after the goals were signed into law.
NYISO stakeholders are divided over consultants’ proposal to use a two-hour battery as the peaking plant in the ISO’s capacity market demand curve, as part of its quadrennial demand curve reset for 2025-2029.
The architects of New York’s clean energy transition are predicting the state will fall short of its 70%-by-2030 renewable energy target, perhaps far short, and are suggesting ways to catch up in the early 2030s.
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