Northeast Power Coordinating Council (NPCC)
FERC last week approved settlements by NPCC and ReliabilityFirst leveraging $490,000 in penalties for violations of NERC reliability standards.
NYSEG acknowledged its primary and backup control centers shared too many communication links in a settlement approved by FERC.
NPCC said all subregions should have adequate supply to meet demand this summer despite recent generation retirements.
As intermittent renewables proliferate in New England, the region must do a better job incentivizing reliable, dispatchable resources that can support the grid as it decarbonizes, speakers at a Raab Associates roundtable said.
Responses to NERC's Level 2 alert indicate widespread issues with performance of inverter-based resources.
FERC OK'd the 2024 business plans and budgets for the ERO, though Commissioner James Danly called for “a significant improvement in … speed and agility.”
NERC's trustees met in Ottawa to approve changes to the organization's standards development process and the final 2024 budget.
EROs are increasing their budgets for 2024, with the increases largely funding personnel and meetings. Draft budgets are available for stakeholder comment.
Most regions of the North American grid remain at elevated risk of supply shortfalls this summer, NERC said in its 2023 Summer Reliability Assessment.
Canada’s Ontario and Maritimes provinces may have to rely on energy imports and operating procedures to meet energy needs this summer, the NPCC said.
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