February 13, 2025

Northwest Power Pool (NWPP)

Western Utilities to Support SPP Market Development
A group of Western utilities plans to help SPP develop its Markets+ program in the West and to examine the benefits of joining it or CAISO's day-ahead market.
Western Power Pool Names New CEO
Western Power Pool named Sarah Edmonds as new CEO as it seeks to incorporate much of the Western Interconnection into its growing resource adequacy program.
Retiring WPP Head Foresees Increased Collaboration on Western RA
After leading the WPP for four years, outgoing President Frank Afranji shared his views on the Western Resource Adequacy Program with the WECC board.
NWPP Rebrands as Western Power Pool
In a move that signifies its expanding reach across the Western Interconnection, the Northwest Power Pool has rebranded itself as the Western Power Pool.
Western RA Program Readies Governance
The Northwest Power Pool’s Western Resource Adequacy Program is forming stakeholder committees to nominate directors and shape program design.
SPP Aspires to Increase its Western Footprint in 2022
SPP's new five-year strategic plan includes increasing its footprint in the Western Interconnection.
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CAISO Takes on Transmission, EDAM in 2022
CAISO intends in 2022 to focus on long-term transmission planning, interconnecting storage and extending the real-time Western EIM to a day-ahead market.
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Study Provides Oregon Lawmakers Wide Shot on RTO Membership
An RTO could provide Oregon with economic, planning and operational benefits, but it would not serve as a “universal problem-solver,” a new study says.
Implementation Underway for NWPP’s Western RA Market
NWPP took its first steps implementing its Western Resource Adequacy Program, allowing participants to submit resource data for a “nonbinding” phase.
Utah Office of Energy Development and S&P Global Market Intelligence
FERC Commissioners Opine on Western RTO
FERC commissioners told an audience of Western stakeholders and regulators that they back the formation of a Western RTO; California can't go it alone.

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