February 7, 2025

Otter Tail Power

© RTO Insider LLC
MISO Defends Fleet Predictions over Monitor’s Skepticism
Doubts continue to swirl around which version of MISO’s future fleet mix is appropriate for long-range transmission planning — the Independent Market Monitor’s or the RTO’s itself.
FERC Approves Transmission Incentives for MVP Line
FERC approved transmission incentives for a MISO multivalue project, though Commissioner Mark Christie continues to call for a general review of transmission incentives.
Forrest Pearson
Minnesota PUC Mulls Lifting Ban on Aggregated DR in Wholesale Markets
Minnesota regulators discuss whether it's time to lift a 13-year ban on aggregators of retail customers bidding demand response into wholesale markets.
The Brattle Group
Clean Energy Group Urges Utilities to Replace Peakers with VPPs
The Clean Energy Group hosted a webinar laying out the case to replace natural gas peaking plants with VPPs, as they would avoid harmful emissions in densely populated areas.
Brosz Engineering
FERC Accepts Unexecuted Agreements Filed in Protest
FERC accepted unexecuted network upgrade agreements for wind farms in the Dakotas and Minnesota despite uncertainty over who should finance the upgrades.
©RTO Insider LLC
MISO TOs File to End Reactive Supply Compensation
MISO transmission owners have filed with FERC to eliminate all reactive power and voltage control charges from their own and affiliated generation resources.
Great Plains Institute
FERC Must Clarify MISO Transmission Funding Decision, DC Circuit Finds
FERC must better explain its decision to give MISO TOs unilateral authority to finance upgrades needed to interconnect generation, the D.C. Circuit said.
FERC Clarifies When Board Appointees Make Companies Affiliates
FERC ruled that it will deem companies it regulates as affiliates if one nominates its own members, investors or employees to another’s board of directors.
© RTO Insider LLC
MISO, Members Debate Deploying AARs
MISO, its Monitor and members debated the best course to implementing ambient adjusted line ratings during a Sept. 15 Advisory Committee discussion.
Fletcher6, CC BY-SA-3.0, via Wikimedia
FERC Lowers ROE for Exelon’s Mystic Plant to 9.19%
FERC voted 3-1 to reduce the base return on equity for Exelon’s Mystic Generating Station as part of its reliability-must-run agreement with ISO-NE.

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