February 12, 2025

RENEW Northeast

FERC Sides with New England Developers on Interconnection Complaint
New England transmission owners no longer can require interconnection customers to pay operations and maintenance costs for required system upgrades, FERC has ruled.
ISO-NE Stakeholders Respond to Potential Long-term Transmission RFP
Stakeholders expressed widespread support for the goals of NESCOE’s proposed procurement of transmission solutions in Maine and New Hampshire, while offering differing views on the scope and format of the solicitation.
EMC Enineering Services
ISO-NE Outlines ‘Straw Scope’ of Capacity Market Reforms
ISO-NE responded to stakeholder feedback on its capacity auction reform project at the NEPOOL Markets Committee meeting, providing clarity on the scope of its capacity market overhaul. 
EDP Renewables
Clean Energy Groups Respond to ISO-NE Order 2023 Filing
ISO-NE’s Order 2023 compliance filing received mixed responses in comments from a range of clean energy stakeholders, drawing support from several large trade associations along with protests from multiple companies.
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Stakeholders Support ISO-NE Long-term Tx Planning Filing, with Caveats
Stakeholder groups submitted comments to FERC last week in support of ISO-NE’s proposal to create a new longer-term transmission planning process to facilitate more forward-looking transmission investments to meet looming needs.
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ISO-NE Order 2023 Compliance Proposal Fails to Pass NEPOOL TC
ISO-NE’s compliance proposal for Order 2023 failed to meet the voting threshold to receive support from the NEPOOL Transmission Committee.
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NEPOOL Nears a Vote on Order 2023 Compliance

The NEPOOL Transmission Committee will vote on ISO-NE compliance proposal and stakeholder amendments on Feb. 15.

Stakeholders Propose Amendments to ISO-NE Order 2023 Compliance
ISO-NE has proposed several deviations from the specific approach detailed in Order 2023, including a 270-day cluster study timeline instead of FERC’s 150-day timeline.
HDR, Inc.
FERC Rejects Pump Storage Bid for ISO-NE Inventoried Energy Program
FERC rejected a request to include pump storage in ISO-NE’s Inventoried Energy Program despite protests that it should be treated like other storage resources.
FERC Denies RENEW Northeast Complaint
FERC dismissed a complaint that alleged ISO-NE has “undue preference” for gas generators in its capacity accreditation, operating reserve rules.

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