February 16, 2025


Glick Eyes New Standards Following Texas Outages
FERC's Richard Glick said he may seek new reliability standards to ensure better preparation for severe winter conditions following prolonged outages.
FERC’s Glick Lays out Priorities in Press Conference
FERC's Richard Glick said he has 5 priorities in his new role, chief among them ensuring electricity market rules don't discriminate against new technology.
Overheard at CERAWeek by IHS Markit 2019
CERAWeek by IHS Markit in Houston brought together a record 4,300 global energy movers and shakers from more than 70 countries.
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McNamee Declines to Commit to Resilience Docket Recusal
FERC's Bernard McNamee informed Democrats that ethics advisers said he was not required to recuse himself from the commission’s resilience inquiry.
Enviros Seek McNamee Recusal in Resilience Dockets
Environmentals asked FERC Commissioner Bernard McNamee to recuse himself from the commission’s resilience dockets because of his advocacy for coal and nuclear plants during his time at the Department of Energy.
Overheard at the GCPA 2018 Fall Conference
The 33rd Annual GCPA Fall Conference attracted more than 640 registered attendees to Austin, Texas, for discussions on the issues facing the ERCOT market.
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Overheard at the NAES NERC Conference
The three-day NAES-NERC conference touched on EPA’s replacement for the Clean Power Plan, the debate over grid resilience and cybersecurity.
FirstEnergy Calls out FERC ‘Failure’ to Act on Resilience
FirstEnergy Solutions says ISO-NE’s request to prop up Exelon’s Mystic plant shows why FERC should take emergency action to bail out coal and nuclear.
Ready to Act on DERs, FERC Tells Congress
FERC told Congress it is ready to act on distributed energy resources (DER), assuring House members they will not encroach on state jurisdiction.
Report: Fuel Security Key Risk for New England Grid
ISO-NE is increasingly reliant on natural gas-fired generation, and LNG and electricity imports to maintain reliability, a new report shows.

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