February 13, 2025

Southwestern Electric Power Co. (SWEPCO)

PUCT Rules Against SWEPCO on Pirkey Retirement
Texas regulators OK’d SWEPCO’s fuel cost reconciliation for the retired Pirkey coal plant, but rejected an order that found the plant’s retirement prudent.
Admin Monitor
Texas Public Utility Commission Briefs: Aug. 24, 2023
Texas regulators and ERCOT stakeholders are celebrating a year-long study of aggregated distributed energy resources that has resulted in two virtual power plants qualified and able to provide dispatchable power to the state’s grid.
Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority
Texas PUC Rejects SWEPCO Application for Renewables at Pirkey
Texas regulators rejected SWEPCO's application to build renewable generation resources at the site of a coal plant that ceased operations in March.
Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority
Texas Lawmakers Push to Save Retiring Coal Plant
Texas politicians are making a last-ditch push to save a 37-year-old coal plant in East Texas that they say has another 22 years of useful life.
FERC Upholds Decision on MISO-SPP Overlapping Charges
FERC has upheld its order that MISO and SPP fix their overlapping congestion charges on pseudo-ties despite a rehearing request from MISO.
MISO, SPP Ordered to Resolve Overlapping Charges
FERC ruled last week that pseudo-tied loads and resources between MISO and SPP are subject to overlapping congestion charges.
AEP CEO Calls for More Stringent Reliability Measures
American Electric Power CEO Nick Akins called for stepped-up reliability measures following a winter storm that ravaged the Texas grid.
Gulf Grid Operators, Utilities Shore up for Laura
Hurricane Laura’s impending landfall along the Gulf Coast has MISO, Entergy, SPP and ERCOT bracing for grid impacts.
Regulatory Setback Doesn’t Stop AEP Wind Project
The Texas PUC rejected ratepayers’ participation in an AEP wind project for the second time in three years, denying subsidiary SWEPCO's plan to add 810 MW.
AEP a Go with $2B North Central Wind Project
American Electric Power said it has received enough regulatory approvals to fully move forward with its 1,485-MW North Central Wind Project in Oklahoma.

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