February 13, 2025

Steve Berberich

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ERCOT Could Name New CEO this Week
The ERCOT Board of Directors could finally unveil its choice to lead the Texas grid operator in its continued recovery from last year’s winter disaster.
CAISO Governors Say Hello, Goodbye
The CAISO Board of Governors bid farewell to its retired CEO, greeted a new leader and approved a plan to implement FERC Order 831.
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CAISO Retiring, Incoming CEOs Field Questions
CAISO's outgoing and incoming CEOs answered stakeholder questions in a roundtable discussion hosted by the EIM’s Regional Issues Forum.
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CAISO Names Bonneville Power Administrator as New CEO
CAISO named the head of BPA as its new chief Thursday, a move that could help further the expansion of the Western EIM and increase its regional influence.
CAISO Protecting Control Room Staff
CAISO is focused on keeping its control room running and isolating key employees from COVID-19 risk, CEO Steve Berberich told the ISO's board.
Western RTOs ‘Imperative,’ Says Retiring CAISO CEO
In an interview with RTO Insider at CAISO’s headquarters, outgoing CEO Steve Berberich talked about Western regionalization and his impending retirement.
CAISO CEO Steve Berberich Retiring
CAISO announced that its president and CEO, Steve Berberich, intends to retire by early summer.

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