September 14, 2024

Texas Reliability Entity (TX RE)

Texas RE Sees Challenges in Resource Mix, Physical Security
Texas RE staff said their upcoming risk assessment will identify multiple ongoing challenges to grid reliability.
Texas RE
Texas RE: Resources’ Weatherization a Success
The Texas Reliability Entity says its latest regional assessment indicates weatherization activities since the disastrous February 2021 winter storm have paid off.
Texas RE
Texas RE Auditors Push Preparedness for Security Walkthroughs
Compliance auditors at the Texas Reliability Entity urged utilities  to think of them not as antagonists looking to get them in trouble, but as allies in the mission of maintaining grid reliability. 
Gas, Electric Trade Associations Call for More Gas Infrastructure
ISOs and RTOs should take a more prominent role in expanding gas networks, gas and electricity industry representatives emphasized at a webinar.
Texas RE
Texas RE Warns Cyber Plan Essential amid Growing Threats
With an ever-increasing number of adversaries in cyberspace targeting the North American grid, speakers at a Texas Reliability Entity webinar emphasized that rigorous planning and testing are essential to maintaining reliability.
SERC, Duke Agree to $40K Penalty for Reliability Violations
FERC approved a $40,000 penalty against multiple Duke Energy facilities for violations of NERC reliability standards.
David Kitto, CC0 1.0 Universal, via Wikimedia Commons
FERC Black Start Report Pushes Gas-electric Coordination
A report by FERC, NERC and Texas RE focused on the risk of natural gas disruptions to utilities' black-start restoration plans.
Texas Reliability Entity
Texas RE: Winterization Activities in ‘Good Shape’
The Texas Reliability Entity says ERCOT generators’ winterization efforts are in “pretty good shape” in preparing for a NERC cold-weather standard.
FERC Approves Texas RE Standards Process Changes
FERC accepted changes to Texas RE's regional standards development process intended to give the RE more flexibility and align it with NERC.
Babcock Ranch
NERC Troubled by Responses to IBR Alert
Responses to NERC's Level 2 alert indicate widespread issues with performance of inverter-based resources.

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