WATT Coalition
FERC got rehearing requests on its interconnection queue reforms in Order 2023 this week from around the industry.
Grid-enhancing technologies have been piloted in many places, but with recent FERC orders and federal funding, they are poised to become much more common.
GETs can reduce the congestion preventing interconnection of renewables more quickly than building more transmission while saving customers money, experts say.
Stakeholders told the New York PSC that utilities’ proposed transmission planning framework could favor local upgrades over more efficient regional projects.
Commenters disagreed over FERC’s proposed transmission planning rules, sparring over its 20-year planning horizon and reinstatement of the federal ROFR.
Grid-enhancing technologies took center stage last week at a WATT Coalition summit on ways to wring efficiencies out of existing transmission facilities.
Participants at FERC’s workshop on performance-based ratemaking approaches support GETs, but they disagree on how best to foster their adoption.
Advocates of grid-enhancing technologies said “shared savings” is needed to persuade utilities to adopt low-cost investments to free up crucial transmission.
A new report from the WATT Coalition argues that available grid-enhancing technologies could unlock gigawatts of renewables in interconnection queues.
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