February 8, 2025

wholesale market

ISO-NE Market Monitor Reports Decreased Winter Energy Costs
ISO-NE wholesale market costs fell in winter 2023 year-over-year, but capacity market costs increased.
Natural Gas Prices Add $4B to CAISO Electricity Costs
Soaring natural gas prices in December and January increased CAISO electricity costs by $4 billion, prompting the governor to ask FERC to investigate.
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EPSA Panel Debates Role of ISOs, RTOs in Decarbonization
Organized power markets may be more successful at decarbonizing the energy supply, but they face challenges in meeting ambitious policy goals, experts say.
Smart Energy: DERs, Electrification, Wholesale Pricing
Distributed energy resources, electrification and just wholesale compensation for both dominated two panels during the virtual North America Smart Energy Week.
APPA Celebrates Recent Victories; Presses on Infrastructure
APPA CEO Sue Kelly has been railing for years against RTO rules she says are skewed in favor of large transmission and generation owners. As members gathered for their annual Legislative Rally, the group could celebrate recent policy victories on both fronts.
Stakeholder Soapbox: REVing up our Wholesale Power Markets
Glen Thomas, president of PJM Power Providers Group, argues that a re-examination of RTOs' wholesale energy markets is long overdue.
ISO-NE: Power Prices Fell by One-Third Last Year
Prices dropped more than $22/MWh to $41, according to the 2015 Annual Markets Report by the Internal Market Monitor of ISO-NE.
Generators Rebut PJM Study on Investment in Competitive Markets
A coalition of generators led by AEP and FirstEnergy  responded to PJM’s analysis of resource investment in competitive markets.

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