July 27, 2024

wildfire prevention

U.S. Forest Service
Calif. Lawmakers Consider $10B Climate Resilience Bond

Lawmakers are poised to place on the November ballot a $10 billion climate resilience bond measure that would provide $850 million for clean energy projects, including offshore wind.

Ariz. Looks to Public Safety Power Shutoffs to Prevent Wildfires
Arizona Public Service is prepared to implement public safety power shutoffs, and another utility in the state is laying the groundwork to use the wildfire prevention technique.
Edison International
SCE Sees Wildfire Risk Decline as Load Outlook Improves
Independent measures show Southern California Edison has sharply reduced its financial risk from catastrophic wildfires compared with pre-2018 levels, Edison International CEO Pedro Pizarro said.
Pacific Gas and Electric
PG&E Foresees Strong Growth from Electrification, Data Centers
California’s “leadership in electrification” will be a key driver of Pacific Gas and Electric’s expected customer growth over the next five years, CEO Patti Poppe said during an earnings call.
Bureau of Land Management
Washington Renewable Developer Rankled by Siting Board Alterations
The developer of a large and controversial wind and solar farm in southeastern Washington contends the state’s siting body has ordered unscientific changes that make the project unviable.
PG&E Looks to Cut Costs of Undergrounding Lines
Pacific Gas and Electric said burying power lines more shallowly would trim the costs of its $25 billion plan to underground 10,000 miles to prevent wildfires.
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Calif. Agency Seeks to Transform Wildfire Safety Culture
A relatively new state agency works to transform utility wildfire safety culture by shifting away from penalties and enforcement to a learning-based approach.
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Experts Discuss ‘Public’ Part of PSPS
Utilities shared ways to narrow the impact of public safety power shutoffs — and convince customers of the need for them — at the WIEB Wildfire Meeting.
Cal Fire/Butte County District Attorney
PG&E Slow to Replace Old Equipment, Monitor Says
The independent monitor hired by the state to keep tabs on PG&E's safety efforts said aged infrastructure and supply chain delays are impeding fire prevention.
JPxG, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
PG&E Moves to Spin off Generation, Sell Minority Stake
PG&E asked the CPUC to approve a plan that would allow it to sell a stake in a new generation subsidiary, with proceeds to be used to fund capital investment.

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