February 9, 2025

William Scherman

© RTO Insider
McIntyre: Won’t Commit to Probe Leak to ‘Good Friend’
FERC Chairman Kevin McIntyre declined to say whether the commission will investigate how attorney William S. Scherman allegedly learned the contents of a pending order.
FERC Enforcement Process Under Fire in House Hearing
FERC was the subject of intense criticism Wednesday and Thursday as members of a congressional subcommittee considered legislation to rein in the agency’s Office of Enforcement.
UPDATE: LaFleur to Remain Acting FERC Chair for up to 1 Year in Senate Deal with White House; Bay Wins Floor Vote
A Senate panel today voted to confirm Norman Bay to FERC in a deal that will keep acting chair Cheryl LaFleur in her current role for nine months.
LaFleur Parts with Bay on Enforcement Procedures
Norman Bay's case for confirmation as FERC chair wasn’t helped last week by the responses Acting Chair Cheryl LaFleur filed in response to Senators. LaFleur detailed seven enforcement cases in which she differed from Bay and her fellow commissioners.
Analysis: LaFleur Cruises, Bay Bruises in Confirmation Hearing
FERC Commissioner Cheryl LaFleur sailed through her Senate confirmation hearing Tuesday while Norman Bay was forced to defend his limited policy experience and his running of the commission’s enforcement division. He also found himself having to negotiate a gender politics minefield.

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