MISO’s 2024 transmission planning cycle is shaping up to include 459 new projects totaling $6.7 billion.
The Bonneville Power Administration plans to contribute its full share of funding for Phase 2 of SPP’s Markets+, an executive with the federal power agency has said.
Texas regulators have rejected the second-largest project from its portfolio of potential generation resources that would be built with state funds.
The WestTEC steering committee unanimously approved the plan that will underpin a Western transmission study designed to spur development of interregional projects over the next two decades.
NERC held a technical conference hoping to address the issues that have blocked the passage of a standard on ride-through requirements for inverter-based resources.
Collaboration among stakeholders will be crucial to maintaining Western grid reliability in the face of increasing demand posed by large loads such as new data centers, speakers said during a webinar hosted by WECC.
Clean energy developers set a record for the second quarter with 11 GW of installations – up 91% from the same three months last year.
The DOE awarded grants to nearly 300 projects at hydroelectric facilities to enhance dam safety, strengthen grid resilience and improve the environment.
CAISO’s adoption of the Pathways Initiative’s “Step 1” changes won't overcome BPA’s objections to the governance of the ISO’s EDAM, Administrator John Hairston told U.S. senators from the Pacific Northwest.
Speeding up the interconnection queues is becoming more important as demand growth and the retirement of existing generators combine to cut into reserve margins around the U.S., experts said during a webinar hosted by Advanced Energy United.