February 9, 2025

Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM)

Wash. Governor Orders Study to Explore Data Center Impact
Washington Gov. Bob Ferguson signed an executive order to create a team that will explore the impact of data center growth on the Evergreen State.
WEIM Q4 Benefits Exceed $374M
CAISO's Western Energy Imbalance Market provided participants $374.25 million in benefits during the fourth quarter of 2024, down about 4% from the same period a year earlier, according to an ISO report.
FERC Approves CAISO Energy Storage Bid Cost Recovery Changes
FERC approved CAISO’s tariff revisions related to real-time bid cost recovery rules for energy storage resources.
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BPA Not Planning Any Major Resource Acquisitions
BPA is not planning to acquire any major energy resources but is taking steps to ensure it’s ready in case those predictions should change, staff said during a presentation of the agency’s 2024 Resource Program.
California Natural Resources Agency
CEC Workshop to Focus on Impact of Pathways Initiative
The California Energy Commission will hold a workshop to discuss the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative, signaling the state may consider a proposal to alter CAISO’s governance structure to accommodate broader concerns about the ISO’s lack of independence from politics.
WEIM Q3 Prices Down Despite Increased Loads, CAISO DMM Finds
Prices in CAISO’s WEIM fell sharply in the third quarter of 2024 compared with a year earlier as declining gas costs outweighed the impact of increased summer loads, the DMM found.
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Benefits of Fast-start Pricing Questionable, CAISO DMM Says
Establishing a fast-start pricing mechanism in CAISO and the WEIM is complex and brings few benefits compared to other potential market enhancements, the ISO's Department of Market Monitoring said.
Bonneville Power Administration
In Letter to Senators, BPA Tempers Markets+ Leaning
The Bonneville Power Administration tamped down expectations that it is all in on SPP’s Markets+, clarifying in a recent letter to lawmakers representing Oregon and Washington that it’s still weighing the pros and cons of joining a day-ahead market.
CAISO Leaders Look Ahead to 2025 with Confidence
CAISO, California and other parts of the West head into 2025 with a heavy load of priorities: implementing EDAM, developing the infrastructure needed to meet ambitious climate goals, and moving forward with new and continuing initiatives to address some of the ISO’s biggest challenges.
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EDAM Won’t Eliminate WEIM-only Option, CAISO CEO Says

CAISO’s launch of the Extended Day-Ahead Market will not spell the end of a Western real-time-only offering from the ISO, according to CEO Elliot Mainzer.

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