PJM energy market prices were down almost 40% in the first half of 2015 compared with 2014, while capacity and transmission service charges rose.
John C. Citrolo, markets director for PSEG Energy Resources and Trade and a regular attendee at PJM stakeholder meetings, died Aug. 2.
PJM's Base Residual Auction for 2018/19 will be the first under the new Capacity Performance rules approved by FERC in June.
PJM's Market Monitor has called on FERC to settle a dispute between PJM and a transmission developer, saying the RTO’s unwillingness to release relevant files is unfair.
This week's company briefs include news on Dominion, We Energies, Ameren, Tres Amigas, SunEdison, Oncor, FirstEnergy, Talen, AEP and El Paso Electric.
The New England states, along with New York, are generally well ahead of the targets set in the Clean Power Plan.
FERC last week approved bylaw changes allowing SPP to add up to three seats to the RTO’s Board of Directors.
A roundup of news from the PJM Operating Committee on Aug. 11, 2015.
The NYPSC approved a temporary surcharge while a final agreement to keep the R.E. Ginna nuclear plant operating is hammered out.
ISO-NE and the NEPOOL Participants Committee want to begin using the RTO’s system-wide sloped demand curve in their Annual Reconfiguration Auctions.