About 500 organizations will be relieved of some grid reliability regulations and another 200 exempted entirely under a new NERC method for classifying entities under its jurisdiction.
This week's company briefs include news on Tennessee Valley Authority, Xcel Energy, AEP, FirstEnergy, Dominion, PSEG and NextEra.
This week's federal briefs cover FERC, the Department of Energy, the Department of the Interior, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Congress.
Chairman Cheryl LaFleur gaveled her final Federal Energy Regulatory Commission open meeting last week, nearing the end of a tumultuous 16-month term.
FERC last week ordered hearing and settlement procedures in a dispute over the costs of keeping NRG’s Dunkirk generating plant online for reliability.
Trial staff at FERC has recommended approval of a settlement that would reduce the return on equity of Niagara Mohawk to 10.03% from the current 11.5%.
NYISO defended its proposed redesign of voltage support compensation, telling FERC it should reject calls by generators for additional inflation adjustments.
Generation owners will be exempted from FERC OATT rules, allowing them to reserve excess capacity on their tie lines for the first five years of operation.
Our summary of the issues scheduled for votes at the PJM MRC and MC on 03/26/15. Each item is listed by agenda number, description and projected time of discussion, followed by a summary of the issue and links to prior coverage.
Natural gas demand and production both set records in 2014, while gas trading declined for the fourth straight year, FERC reported last week.