News briefs on companies and firms doing business with RTOs.
News briefs from the states within the footprint of RTOs.
The Bonneville Power Administration should remain in CAISO’s WEIM and hold off on joining a day-ahead market, Seattle City Light and other Northwest parties urged in a letter sent to BPA CEO John Hairston.
ISO-NE requested authorization from FERC to collect import tariffs while simultaneously arguing that the RTO “is not the appropriate entity” to do so.
Legal experts are trying to untangle the legalities of executive orders and actions in the six weeks since President Donald Trump was inaugurated, along with the impact of major court decisions like Loper Bright.
FERC approved settlements between ReliabilityFirst and two separate utilities in its footprint for violations of NERC reliability standards.
With data centers already causing “major disturbances” on the grid, the industry could learn lessons from the recent growth and implementation of IBRs, according to a new Elevate Energy Consulting study.
MISO is nearing an overhaul of its capacity accreditation methods for load-modifying resources and demand response that would be based on whether they can assist during periods of high system risk.
A Brattle Group study found that New York could achieve 8.5 GW in “grid flexibility” measures by 2040, saving consumers more than $2 billion a year.
House Bill 1018 would allow developers of fusion projects to approach either the Washington state government or appropriate county government for permission to build on a parcel of land in the state.