November 14, 2024

2050 Transmission Study

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ISO-NE Open Board Meeting Sparsely Attended Because of Labor Dispute
An ongoing labor dispute at the hotel hosting ISO-NE’s annual open board meeting drove sparse attendance and harsh criticism from members of consumer and climate advocacy groups.
ISO-NE: New Mechanisms May be Needed to Ensure Future Grid Reliability
As the variability of generation and demand increases on the grid, market enhancements may be needed to promote dispatchable resources, ISO-NE told the PAC.
ISO-NE Analysis Shows Benefits of Shifting OSW Interconnection Points
Relocating two offshore wind points of interconnection from Maine to Massachusetts could reduce New England’s transmission upgrade cost requirements, ISO-NE said.
ISO-NE Planners Outline Potential Solutions for 2050 Tx Overloads
ISO-NE is studying line upgrades and new 345-kV and HVDC lines to address expected reliability violations in its 2050 Transmission Study.

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