February 16, 2025

Asim Haque

Ohio House of Representatives
Ohio, Pa. Officials Examine PJM Reliability in Joint Session
Ohio and Pennsylvania lawmakers met in Columbus for a hearing on the future reliability of the PJM grid, quizzing RTO and industry insiders on the role states can have in maintaining resource adequacy.
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Former Md. PSC Chair Stanek Joins PJM Government Relations
PJM hired former Maryland Public Service Commission Chair Jason Stanek to lead the RTO's state government policy and state solutions teams.
PJM MRC/MC Briefs: Feb. 24, 2021
PJM announced the promotion of several executives, and stakeholders debated rules for approving resolutions at the Members Committee.
PJM Official Reflects on COVID-19 Impacts
With no end in sight to the ongoing impacts of COVID-19, stakeholders in PJM are examining the options going forward to deal with the pandemic.
PJM to Work with States on Policy Goals in New Group
PJM has created a new group to work with states to advance energy initiatives like offshore wind and grid security.
PJM Chooses CFO, Promotes Haque
PJM filled its executive team with the appointment of Lisa Drauschak as CFO and Asim Haque as vice president of the state and members services division.
Former PUCO Chairman Andre Porter Joins MISO
Former Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) Chairman Andre Porter is crossing state lines to become general counsel at MISO.
Ohio Gov. Kasich Names Asim Haque for PUCO Chair
Gov. John Kasich named PUCO Vice Chair Asim Haque to replace outgoing Chairman Andre Porter.

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