October 25, 2024

Electric Power Supply Association (EPSA)

PJM Capacity Prices Spike 10-fold in 2025/26 Auction

PJM capacity prices increased nearly tenfold in the 2025/26 Base Residual Auction as a trifecta of load growth, generation deactivations and changes to risk modeling shrank reserve margins.

ERO Comments on CISA Reporting Proposal
Comments on CISA's cyber incident reporting proposal focused on its overlap with the CIP standards' reporting requirements, with some also calling the proposal too broad.
Analysis Group
Senate Confirms Chang as Clements’ Replacement on FERC
The Senate confirmed Judy Chang to a five-year term at FERC, meaning the commission will be at a full complement of five members even after Commissioner Allison Clements leaves at the end of June.
Western Area Power Administration
White House CEQ Finalizes NEPA Changes, Rolls Back Trump Rule
The White House Council on Environmental Quality finalized a rule meant to modernize the federal environmental review process under the National Environmental Policy Act.
PJM Interconnection
Stakeholders Spar over PJM Request to Recalculate Capacity Auction Results
Stakeholders filed comments debating PJM’s request that FERC direct it to recalculate the results of the 2024/25 Base Residual Auction and rerun the third Incremental Auction.
Gas, Electric Trade Associations Call for More Gas Infrastructure
ISOs and RTOs should take a more prominent role in expanding gas networks, gas and electricity industry representatives emphasized at a webinar.
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Bumps on the Road to Net Zero Highlighted at EPSA Summit
While their net-zero emission targets might not kick in until the 2030s, the power industry already is dealing with the issues they create, panelists said at the Electric Power Supply Association’s Competitive Power Summit.
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Gas, Electric Leaders See ‘No Silver Bullet’ for Interdependence Issues
Attendees at a NERC forum said they are skeptical a gas reliability organization will resolve the challenges exposed by recent winter storms.
DTE Energy
EPA, FERC Hear from Stakeholders on Reliability
Both EPA and FERC received comments on how reliability can be maintained under the former’s power plant rule that requires fossil fuel-fired units to curtail their emissions.
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3rd Circuit Rejects Challenges to PJM MOPR, Affirms Authority over FERC Deadlocks
The 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld FERC's 2021 approval of PJM's tightened minimum offer price rule, which removed a requirement that resources receiving state subsidies be mitigated to their cost-based offer.

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