February 10, 2025

forced outages

FERC OKs MISO Settlement Rules for Widespread Tx Outages

FERC ruled that MISO can apply new settlement practices to generators physically disconnected from the grid during extensive transmission outages triggered by extreme events.

Déjà Vu as FERC, NERC Issue Recommendations over Holiday Outages
FERC and NERC called for completing winterization standards and strengthening natural gas infrastructure in response to widespread outages last Christmas.  
PJM Recounts Emergency Conditions, Actions in Elliott Report
PJM released a report on the December 2022 winter storm detailing its emergency actions and recommended changes to its markets and operations to limit the impact of future severe weather.
MISO Data Show Steep Gas-fired Outages During Winter Storm
MISO issued a breakdown of unplanned generation outages during Winter Storm Elliott, showing substantial unavailability across natural gas generation.
Counterflow: The Mess in Texas
Columnist Steve Huntoon explains his thoughts on what is and what is not to blame for the rolling blackouts in ERCOT last week.
Stakeholders: MISO System Fix Too Late for Summer
MISO’s effort to improve a key communication system will come too late to smooth summertime emergency procedures, stakeholders complained.
MISO Exploring Outage Modeling Revamp
MISO said it will explore whether to alter its long-term planning models to factor in expectations for an increased number of outages.
MISO Files New Planned Outage Rules
MISO filed new requirements on outage coordination despite the fact that some stakeholders still aren’t entirely sold on the plan.
FERC OKs PJM Capacity Performance: What You Need to Know
FERC approved PJM's Capacity Performance proposal, a dramatic restructuring of the RTO's capacity market.
PJM Operating Committee Briefs
A round-up of news from the PJM Operating Committee on March 10, 2015.

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