load forecasting
NYISO published the final, approved version of the 2024 Reliability Needs Assessment, which identifies a reliability need in New York City beginning in 2033.
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee voted to endorse a proposal to create an expedited process to study some interconnection requests.
MISO doesn’t foresee a scenario where it comes close to risky operations in the upcoming winter.
NYISO expects it will be able to operate reliably, according to the Winter 2024 Operating Study.
Data centers are contributing to significant load growth and project needs in Silicon Valley, according to CAISO representatives speaking at the kickoff meeting for the ISO’s 2024/25 transmission planning process.
The first biennial test of voltage-reduction capability was a success, PJM told the Operating Committee during its meeting.
The Operating Committee discussed PJM’s timeline for addressing technological and operational challenges the RTO plans to address over the next four years.
June brought a 2-GW lower peak than anticipated and unchanged real-time and fuel prices from last year, MISO said in a monthly operations report.
Members of MISO’s Advisory Committee emphasized that all players in the footprint need to act swiftly to position themselves for “hyperscale” load growth and the EPA’s new carbon rule.
The Markets and Reliability Committee will vote on whether to endorse proposed revisions to Manual 18 to reflect redesigns drafted through the Critical Issue Fast Path process.
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