Old Dominion Electric Cooperative (ODEC)
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee and Members Committee endorsed a proposal to rework the RTO’s rules around generation deactivations.
FERC approved a complaint from Old Dominion Electric Cooperative over mischarges from FirstEnergy, ordering the utility to start paying back the co-op after they were in a dispute over how that should happen.
The dispute between Exelon and Constellation Energy continued to play out in FERC, as the latter and others protested a series of filings from the former’s utilities seeking to implement new rules for co-locating data centers at power plants in their territories
Stakeholders filed comments debating PJM’s request that FERC direct it to recalculate the results of the 2024/25 Base Residual Auction and rerun the third Incremental Auction.
The PJM MRC rejected four proposals to rework how the RTO measures and verifies the capacity EE providers can offer into the market.
Several generation companies and PJM have indicated that they will finalize a settlement over the performance penalties the RTO assessed following Winter Storm Elliott.
Virginia utilities are not conducting outreach to offer low-income customers help obtaining solar energy the state's Clean Energy Advisory Board was told.
PJM stakeholders questioned whether proposals addressing compensation for reactive power supply and voltage control service should be delayed.
PJM intends to unilaterally file a proposal with FERC regarding the contentious black start issue, without the endorsement of the Members Committee.
Records and interviews with stakeholders indicate the June 18 vote that could open PJM's end-of-life transmission planning to competition resulted from intense lobbying.
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