Organization of PJM States Inc. (OPSI)
Some members of the Organization of MISO States are implying that MISO’s new interregional study with PJM is falling short of their hopes for a rigorous search for seams transmission projects.
The states that filed for a rehearing of FERC Order 1920 on transmission planning and cost allocation either argue the federal regulator is overstepping its authority or want changes to the order to ensure it doesn’t upset ongoing regional planning efforts.
MISO and PJM announced they will embark on a new joint transmission study in the latter half of this year that concentrates on upping their interregional transfer capability.
PJM is considering endorsing revisions to its governing documents to transfer filing rights for regional transmission planning from the membership to the board.
MISO and PJM are deliberating whether to embark on an interregional transmission study this year as they field more calls from stakeholders to revamp their joint planning framework.
A group of demand response providers in PJM proposed adding two hours to the availability window that binds when the resource can be deployed by the RTO.
The state regulatory organizations for both MISO and PJM have sent a letter to the RTOs asking them to redouble efforts around interregional transmission planning.
PJM said the grid maintained reliability through nearly a week of harsh winter conditions during the winter storm that blanketed much of the nation in mid-January.
The Organization of PJM States urged the PJM Board of Managers to work closer with member states to find holistic solutions to reliability challenges posed by rising load and generation retirements.
The 25 projects in PJM's Regional Transmission Expansion Plan include a $796 million immediate-need project to address Brandon Shores' looming deactivation.
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