February 13, 2025

reserve pricing

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FERC Rejects PJM Intelligent Reserve Deployment Proposal for Second Time
FERC again rejected PJM’s proposal to change how it responds to synchronized reserve events, which it says can result in periods of under- and over-response.
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PJM Market Implementation Committee Briefs: Sept. 7, 2022
The PJM Market Implementation Committee narrowly rejected a proposed issue charge from curtailment service provider CPower Energy Management.
PJM Market Implementation Committee Briefs: Aug. 10, 2022
The MIC approved an initiative to change the determination of zonal load bus distribution factors and heard first read on changes to VOM cost development.
FERC Clarifies Order on PJM Reserve Market Changes
FERC clarified that its order on remand partially reversing PJM’s proposed energy price formation revisions did not remove the RTO’s reserve price caps.
PJM Advances Own Energy Price Formation Plan
The PJM Board of Managers agreed to submit staff’s revised energy price formation proposal for FERC approval, CEO Andy Ott said.
Monitor Sees Problems with PJM Reserve Pricing Plan
Independent Market Monitor Joe Bowring said PJM’s proposed revisions to how it prices reserves necessitates changes in the capacity market.
Section 206 Filing on PJM Reserve Pricing Likely
PJM stakeholders appeared resigned to a unilateral FERC filing by the Board of Managers revising the RTO’s proposed price formation rules.
FERC Greenlights MISO South Capacity Plan
FERC approved MISO’s plan to improve its procurement of reserves in MISO South.
PJM Board Seeks Reserve Pricing Changes for Winter
The PJM Board of Managers directed staff to identify changes to improve reserve market pricing that can be implemented for next winter.

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