February 11, 2025
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CAISO’s WEIM Plucks Black Hills Utilities from SPP’s WEIS
Move Spells Small but Significant Victory for ISO in Western Day-ahead Market Competition
The territories of the two Black Hills Energy utilities joining the Western Energy Imbalance Market are represented on this map by the orange areas in Montana, Wyoming and South Dakota.
The territories of the two Black Hills Energy utilities joining the Western Energy Imbalance Market are represented on this map by the orange areas in Montana, Wyoming and South Dakota. | Black Hills Energy
CAISO scored a geographically small but symbolically significant victory with the announcement that two Black Hills Energy subsidiaries will move to the ISO’s Western Energy Imbalance Market.
Company NewsEnergy MarketMontanaPublic PolicySouth DakotaSPP/WEISTransmission OperationsWestern Energy Imbalance Service (WEIS)Wyoming